Backgammon London  

Players Championship 2024
Final TWI Qualifying event of the year

Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th December

Cecil Sharp House
2 Regent's Park Road, London NW1 7AY
128 Player Double Elimination
Consolation & Last Chance

Winner Saravanan Sathyanandha,
2nd Dan Rovira

Registration and Entry just £70  for UKBGF members, £75 non members.

This is a single event where both Masters and Intermediates can gain UKBGF Tour Winners Invitational points and entry.

The draw sheet is here Main   Results on the UKBGF are here


Main 1st: Saravanan Sathyanandha, 2nd Dan Rovira

Consolation 1st: Noah Bernstein, 2nd: Alexander Pelling-Bruce

Last Chance 1st: Sean Clennell, 2nd: Andy Hart

Lucky Loser 1 1st: Sean Clennell, 2nd: Adrian Farthing

Lucky Loser 2 1st: Catherine Seale, 2nd: Michele de Havilland


128 player 9 point Double Elimination. 4 rounds to be played on Saturday, 6 rounds on Sunday.

Players knocked out in round 2 can play in the Lucky Loser 1 on Saturday

Sunday 7 point Consolation for all players knocked out on Saturday.

Players losing their first match on Sunday go into the Last Chance.

Players losing their second match on Sunday can enter the Lucky Loser 2.

Side Pools:

£20 of the entry will be split between the Double Elimination and Consolation 70/30 

There will be additional side pools for the Double Elimination of £20, £50 and £100
10% of all DE pools will go to the last undefeated player in each pool. The may be shared if there is a tie. The remaining pool money will be split 60/30/10 between the three players that go furthest in the DE.

Consolation, Last Chance and Lucky Losers side pools will be split 70/30.

For the Consolation the side pools are £10 and £20

For the Last Chance and Lucky Losers the side pool is £10. Note that there are no other cash prizes for the LC and LL.

We aim to make sure everyone can play at least three rounds each day. This may include a bye.


Saturday Registration from 9.30am to 10.15am. Play start promptly at 10.30am.

You may pay optional double elimination competition side pool during registration.

Full Details (please check for updates)

Rules and Code of Conduct are as set down by the UKBGF here.  We will be playing dice on checkers and responsible moves.

All matches will be UKBGF rated.

The competition is clock mandatory 90/12

Please bring a board and clock with you if you can.

We will be playing dice on checkers as a legal roll.  

The responsible move rule will also be in effect.

There will be a match forfeit rule imposed if you are 15 minutes late for your match.

If there is any problem or dispute, you must report it to the TD as soon as it is noticed.  There will be a ruling committee (RC) made up of players at the event.  You may appeal the decision of the TD to the RC who's decision is final.

The TD's reserve the right to change any aspect of the format to enable the smooth running of the tournament. We may change the format of the masters flight if we need to expand the competition to more players.

Your entry is not confirmed until you have paid your registration fee.  There will be no waiting list and places will be allocated on a first pay basis.

Please only register once. Refresh the page to see your entry in the table besides.